Dear Colleagues,
We are writing to give you an update on the migration of the School of Engineering’s IT services to UITS’s central portfolio.
Since this initiative began in December, SOE technical staff and UITS have been researching and finalizing plans for migrating email and workstations to central platforms. This planning has involved determining an approach that balances the needs and expectations of the SOE community with the responsibilities of delivering central IT services. As a result of this process, we have determined the solutions needed to retain email addresses and will proceed with the migration to Office 365 and UConn’s Active Directory, tentatively scheduled for the end of March.
Before the migration, technical staff will be installing the Configuration Manager (CM) client onto university-owned computers. This software will enable an accurate inventory of SOE’s hardware and software and establish a baseline configuration prior to the migration. While it details software usage at a very high level, it will not affect performance or track specific activity. Going forward, the CM client will help maintain the security of SOE’s IT systems through management of patches and updates. The installation of the CM client will occur in phases, and faculty and staff will receive a message with directions when their installation is scheduled.
Now that the SOE and UITS are entering the implementation phase of this initiative, there will be occasional requests for your participation, although every effort will be made to balance transition risks against individual impacts. The technical team will keep you updated on the process and is preparing a website for you that will consolidate all the migration information, including details about the initiative, a schedule of activities, an archive of communications, and support material. As soon as the website is ready, the SOE technical staff will provide you with the URL.
If you have questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact your IT support staff or ETS Help Desk at
Kazem Kazerounian & Michael Mundrane