Migration of the School of Engineering’s IT resources to the University’s central services began this week with the SoE’s technical staff and student employees. Based on that experience and our testing to date, we updated the migration plan. Below are the three key updates that impact SoE faculty and staff:
- Email and calendar migration to Office 365: All SoE faculty and staff email will migrate to Office 365 at the same time. This migration is scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m. on Monday, April 11, and is expected to conclude at approximately 8:00 a.m. on April 12. Accounts will be inaccessible during the migration window. Mail will continue to be delivered during the migration, even though your mailbox will be unavailable to you. On Tuesday, April 12, ETS and UITS staff will be located in SoE buildings and the Math-Science Building to provide you with on-site support and assistance reconfiguring mobile devices.
- Configuration Manager client: Configuration Manager has been installed on University-owned Windows computers in SoE. ETS and UITS will now use this client to manage security patches and antivirus software on SoE computers during a weekly maintenance window. The normal maintenance window for patching, including computer reboots, will be daily 10:00 p.m. – 7:30 a.m. The first update is scheduled for Monday, April 4, after 10:00 p.m. In addition to enhancing security, these updates will better prepare SoE computers for the migration.
- Workstations: The migration of workstations to the central UConn domain will take place after the email migration. You will be notified in advance of this process.
We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this complex process. We will continue to post information about the migration to soe-migration.uconn.edu. Please feel free to contact the ETS Help Desk staff at help@engr.uconn.edu if you have comments, questions, or concerns.