Email Migration Update

Email Migration Update

As many of you know, two years ago, the School of Engineering migrated all mailboxes to the ITS email server.  Since that time, the engineering mail server has remained involved in generating addresses, expanding mailing lists, and routing mail.

On August 21, 2018, the engineering mail server will be no longer be involved with the delivery of university email.  The effects of this change will be dependent on your affiliation with the School of Engineering.

As always, contact the SoE Help Desk at 486-1821 or if you have any questions or concerns.
(Note: will still work!)



Engineering Faculty and Staff
Active faculty and staff will have their engineering addresses will continue to function normally.  You can login and view our list of Engineering Faculty and Staff to verify that your netid/email address is included in this group.


Engineering Emeriti
If you have an engineering email address and are still affiliated with the School of Engineering, though not a current faculty of staff member, check our list of Engineering Affiliates to see if your email will continue to work.  We will accommodate all emeriti that need to maintain their address.


Engineering Students
Student email addresses should be  If you are a student with an engineering email address, it will stop working on this date.  Please update your contacts and email signatures accordingly.  If you would like to have email-for-life, complete the form at


Alumni Email-For-Life
Alumni Email-for-life addresses of the form will continue to work normally.  Some of you have an additional alias of the form; these are not part of the email-for-life service and will stop working.  If you are currently using one of these aliases, please update your contacts accordingly at


Service Accounts
Service email addresses are those affiliated with department (e.g. or an event (e.g. but do not belong to an individual person.  If you are a member of a group that relies on one of these addresses, check our list of service addresses to ensure that yours will continue to work.


Mailing Lists
All mailing lists have been migrated to Office 365 and the engineering addresses will continue to function as normal.


Engineering Affiliates
For various reasons, the School of Engineering has provided support for non-engineering faculty and staff affiliated with our school.  If you have an engineering email address and are not in one of the categories above, please check our list of Engineering Affiliates to see if yours will continue to function.